Bespoke Mailings
Despite the digital age, businesses and organisations are still sending out items by post, ranging from letters through to creative direct mail items and sample packs. The use of automation or poly-wrapping for smaller mailings is not economical and there has not been much development in the equipment during the past 20 years to change that position.
In many respects the need for hand-enclosing has increased with direct mail becoming more creative and complex. Marketing companies are looking for innovative ways to attract the attention of recipients of direct mail and hand enclosing provides the only solution.
Direct mail can also be quite complicated, and we are often asked to do cross-matched mailings. A mailing might have a personalised letter, a personalised gift and, obviously, a personalised address label. Any mix-up in the matching would be a marketing disaster and very great care is taken by our workforce to make sure that all goes well. Checks are in place throughout the collating and inserting procedures to ensure that all items match as they should.
Diamond Print and Mail Centre provides a fast turnaround for print and mailing services. We appreciate that the timing of mailings is critical and that sometimes the timescales get a little tight, but we will always endeavour to meet the customer’s target date for their mailing.
With access to mainstream mail couriers and downstream providers, we ensure that mailings and packages are sent in the most economical way. Our services also include postage stamp affixing to further personalise your mailings.
We also carry out regular mailings for business and other organisations such as accounts statements, reminders, welcome letters or sales follow-up letters. We can handle any mailing that requires hand enclosing at prices that don’t make it worthwhile to do it yourself!